The project was to develop a platform that connects a real-world entity with an application. Dentii was built on an idea to provide a far better, hygienic, customizable, and economical solution for maintaining oral sterility.
It was very hard to determine the actual percentage and region of germs.
All the challenges were successfully solved by implementing innovative algorithms.
Another challenge was to keep the flexibility and momentum of the brush.
We solve by calculating rotations and movements of brush throughout the cleaning of the mouth.
The project was built by using below mentioned technologies:
The project was based on IoT (Internet of Things)
A reusable electric brush that syncs with mobile devices, or laptop.
Shows the area which needs to clean.
Sleek, sophisticated and easy-to-use design.
Possibility of pre-setting maximum speed and maximum torque.
The final result was a well-designed feature-rich application where one can check and cure severe oral problems effortlessly. It helped thousands of people to get rid of oral germs and made their smiles more beautiful.