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CakePHP is an open-source framework built on the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern and PHP. As a leading CakePHP development service in India, we offer feature-rich and highly powerful online solutions to the business by utilizing our experience in building top-notch CakePHP applications.

Our CakePHP experts have created affordable, intuitive, practical and robust websites to streamline your business process and conquer the market. We always use the latest advancements of CakePHP to deliver highly customized web solutions to our clients. With more than 110 CakePHP developers, Samosys offers web app development services to almost all the countries on the globe.



About CakePHP

Cake PHP is equipped with a well-structured code, inbuilt functionalities like access to the database, cookies, authentication, translation, caching, and more. CakePHP is quite helpful for translations, validations, database access, and authentication, which make the website more robust. This open-source framework is perfectly suited for handling simple to complex projects without any hassle.

As the CakePHP follows MVC architecture, it is capable of providing unique functionalities for web development, maintenance and deployment of the applications. CakePHP has used some considerable measures to improve its functionalities over time, and it eventually lessens the advancement costs. CakePHP enables the developers to use the least codes by eliminating the complicated XML or YAML files and allows building the projects rapidly, which reduces the cost of development.



Advantages CakePHP

  • The most significant advantage of the development platform is that it is available as an open-source framework that can be used by the developers anywhere and anytime in order to design an engaging website.
  • CakePHP development supports the CRUD (Code, Read, Update, and Delete) functionality, which helps in building feature-rich web applications.
  • This is compatible with PHP 4 and higher versions.
  • CakePHP is known for supporting various databases, and data mapping also offers excellent compatibility with Ajax, HTML, and JS language.
  • It offers search engine friendly URLs to give good rankings in search results.
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    What to expect:

  • Our CakePHP developers have a good understanding of ORM and MVC architecture for advanced functionality.
  • We are responsible for delivering dynamic CakePHP web applications with no-error & proficiency.
  • Our CakePHP developers use tools like agile Scrum Tools, HD Skype, Basecamp, Mantis, GIT, SOLR/Lucene, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, HTML5, XSLT, Smarty, jQuery, Javascript, JSON, and to develop a fantastic web application.
  • We are very flexible in coding, working hours, methodologies, and providing 24/7 tech support.